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Mihai Lungu |
![]() Personal data
Birth date and place: December 13, 1980, Craiova
Home address: Craiova, Romania
Job: Faculty of Electrical Engineering; Electric, Energetic and Aerospatiale Engineering Department
Scientific degree: Full Professor
E-mail: Lma1312@yahoo.com, mlungu@elth.ucv.ro
Nationality: Romanian
Citizenship: Romanian
Marital status: married
![]() Studies
1. High School
NationalCollege “Carol I” - Craiova (1996-1999); general grade – 9.35; baccalaureate grade – 9.58.
2. University studies
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Specialization “Board Equipment and Devices”; Admission Year: 1999. Admission Grade: 10. Graduation year: 2004 (the first of my group). Final examination: grade 10. Title of the diploma project: Automatic pilots for the aircraft longitudinal movement.
3. Post graduate studies
Master: “Complex Systems for Stabilization, Navigation and Aerospatiale Guidance”, University of Craiova. Admission year: 2004. Graduation year: 2005. Thesis: grade 10.
4. Ph.D. Studies
PhD Domain: “Aerospatiale Engineering”, 2004 – 2007 (University “Politehnica”, Bucharest, Romania). Title of the PhD thesis: “Complex Adaptive and Optimal Systems for the Stabilization, Navigation and Control of the Flying Objects”. Supervisor: Professor PhD. Eng. Corneliu Berbente.
5. Postdoctoral studies
5.1. 3 years postdoctoral scholarship (2010 - 2013) within the Grant “University research partnership - a step towards a postdoctoral school of the future”.Grantcode: POSDRU/89/1.5/S/61968. Contract financed from European Social Fund Operational Program Human Resources Development 2007 – 2013. The title of the research postdoctoral project: “Algorithms and structures for aircrafts and rockets identification, estimation and control”. Coordinating Institution: University of Craiova.
5.2. WSEASPostdoctoral stage – 1 year (November 2010 – October 2011). Research subject: cercetare: The state estimation and the optimal command of the flying objects. Mentor: Professor PhD. Nikos Mastorakis, TechnicalUniversity, Sofia, Bulgary.
![]() Scientific experience
- 11 books/chapters in books;
- 2 laboratory guidelines;
- 2 patents;
- 200 scientific papers;
- 23 scientific research grants;
- Romanian Academy Award (Aurel Vlaicu prize) in 2010;
- Habilitation certificate in the university doctoral studies domain: Aerospace engineering – OMEN no. 5104/28.09.2017; Ph.D. Leader in the
Aerospace engineering domain at Aerospace Engineering Doctoral School of University “Politehnica” of Bucharest;
- PhD Leader - Doctoral School of Aerospace Engineering Doctoral School, University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, starting with 15.12.2020;
- Member of CNATDCU,Commission for Aerospace Engineering, Vehicles and Transport starting with May 2020;
- Director of Scientific Research Center "Aerospace Engineering Research – CERTES”, University of Craiova, starting with 2020;
- member of Editorial Board – 10 international journals;
- reviewer of 47 international scientific journals and 23 international conferences;
- indice Hirsch: 15 (Web of Science), 23 (Google Scholar), 19 (Scopus).
![]() Awards and scholarships
1. AUREL VLAICU Romanian AcademyAward in 2010 for the book "Sisteme de conducere a zborului (Flight control systems)";
2. AGIR Award (Award of the General Association of the Romania Engineers) – 2015 for the book“ Estimarea stării aparatelor de zbor (State estimation of the flying objects)”;
3. AGIR Award (Award of the General Association of the Romania Engineers) – 2016 for the book“ Controlul automat al aeronavelor la aterizare (Aircraft automatic control during landing)”;
4. 3 years POSDRU postdoctoral scholarship (April 2010 – April 2013) within the grant “University research partnership - a step towards a postdoctoral school of the future”. Contract financed from European Social Fund Operational Program Human Resources Development 2007 – 2013. The title of the research postdoctoral project: Algorithms and structures for aircrafts and rockets identification, estimation and control;
5. Gradation of merit (2012-2017, 2017-2021);
6. 27 prizes UEFISCDI, PN II, PN III, PN IV, Program: Human Resources - Competition “The research results’ award” 2012-2023;
7. The biography was included inWho's Who in Science and Engineering, Editions: 2011-2012, 2014-2015. Published by Marquis Who's Who, SUA;
8. Certificate of Appreciationfor the papers presented to the WSEAS International Conference on Automatic Control, Modelling And Simulation (ACMOS'09), Turkey, May 30 - June 1 awarded by WSEAS (WORLD SCIENTIFIC AND ENGINEERING ACADEMY AND SOCIETY);
9. Plaques and diplomas of honor for outstanding results achieved in scientific research during 2014, 2015, 2016, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 - Gala of excellence in research, editions I-VIII, University of Craiova, 2016-2024;
10. As student I received, between years 2001 and 2004, the performance scholarship awarded by the Education and Research Ministry;
11. Awards to Mathematical and Physics county competitions(1995-1999);
12. Special Award to the Physics county competition (Craiova 1998).
![]() Competences
1. Scientific competence domains
Aerospatiale Engineering:
» Flight control systems;
» Flight objects automation;
» Aerospatiale control systems;
» Automatic pilots;
» Gyroscopic equipment and systems;
» The theory and construction of the aircrafts board apparatus;
» Computer graphics for engineers.
2. Taught courses
- Flight control systems;
- Stability and Command in flight theory;
- Systems for the estimation of the flying objects’ state;
- Flying objects automation;
- Flight optimal control systems.
3. Computer skills
» Operating systems: Windows, MS DOS
» Programming languages: Pascal, C
» Text processors: Word, Amipro, Power Point
» Software: Matlab, Autocad, Spice, Visio, Hi-Q, Excel.
4. Foreign languages
English – read, write, conversation, technical translation (high level);
French - read, write, conversation, technical translation (high level).
5. Skills and abilities
- sociable, ambitious, serious, punctual, honest and hardworking person;
- excellent results in teamwork;
- driving license, type B, starting with 1999.
![]() Member in Editorial Board of internat journals/conferences
1. International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing – Associate Editor (2011-2014), ISSN: 1998-4464 (www.naun.org/journals/circuitssystemssignal);
2. American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences – Associate Editor (2015-present), ISSN: 1941-7020 (http://thescipub.com/journals/ajeas/editors).
3. Oriental Journal of Computer Science and Technology – Associate Editor (2017-prezent), ISSN: 0974-6471 (http://www.computerscijournal.org/);
4. Technology audit and production reserves, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15587/2312-8372– Member of Editorial team (2016-present) (http://journals.uran.ua/tarp/about/editorialTeamBio/60177);
5. SciFed Journal of Telecommunications – Member of Editorial team (2017-present), http://scifed.com/journal-of-telecommunication/index.php;
6. International Journal of Systems Engineering – Member of Editorial team (2020-present), http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/journal/ index?journalid=521;
7. Micromachines (ISI Journal) – Topic Editor (2020-present), ISSN: 2072-666X (https://www.mdpi.com/journal/micromachines/topic_editors);
8. IEEE International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC), Sinaia – Associate Editor (2016, 2019, 2020);
9. 27th IEEE International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC), Timisoara, Romania, 2023 – Chair;
10. 17th International Carpathian Control Conference (ICCC’ 2016), Tatranská Lomnica, Slovacia, 29 Mai – 1 Iunie, 2016– Chair;
11. International Conference on Control, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Optimization (ICCAIRO), Praga, 19-21 Mai 2018 – Chair;
12. 28thInternational Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC), Sinaia, România – Co-chair;
13. Organizer of the scientific special session “Systems and equipment for aircraft landing” within the conference “International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Electricity – ICATE 2016” (http://elth.ucv.ro/icate/icate16/).
14. Guest editor of a special issue (Advanced Observer-Based Control for Benchmark Control Problems: From Mathematical Modeling to Control Design) in the ISI Journal: Mathematical Problems in Engineering, ISSN: 1024-123X, IF: 0.8.
15. World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (WorldCist) – Member of Program Committee (2018-2023);
16. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data (AIBD 2020), Copenhagen, Denmark, 25-26 April 2020 – Member of Program Committee;
17. Member of London Journals Press (https://journalspress.com/).
18. Guest editor of a special issue: Robust Control of Aircraft under Exogenous Disturbances or System Uncertainties in the ISI Journal: Aerospace,ISSN: 2226-4310, FI: 2.66;
19. Organizer of the scientific special session “Monitoring, Guidance and Control of Space Vehicles” within the conference “27-th IEEE International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC)”, Timisoara, Romania, Octombrie 11-13, 2023 (http:// icstcc2023. cs.upt.ro/authors/invited-sessions/).
![]() Reviewer of international journals and conferences
Journals: Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, ISSN: 1000-9361; Scientific Research and Essays, ISSN:1992-2248; Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research, ISSN: 2141-2383; Journal of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science; Journal of Computer Science, Informatics, Electrical Engineering, ISSN:1556-6757; WSEAS Transactions on Systems, ISSN: 1109-2777; International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, ISSN: 0890-6327; The Aeronautical Journal, ISSN: 0001-9240; IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, ISSN: 0018-9251; Optimal Control Applications & Methods, ISSN: 1099-1514; Journal of Aerospace Engineering, ISSN: 0893-1321; Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, ISSN: 0022-0434; Aerospace Science and Technology, ISSN: 1270-9638; Asian Journal of Control, ISSN:1561-8625; WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control, ISSN: 1991-8763; American Journal of Applied Scinces, ISSN: 1941-7020; Journal of Process Control, ISSN: 0959-1524; International Journal of Control, ISSN: 0020-7179; Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, ISSN: 0142-3312; IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, ISSN: 0278-0046; Expert Systems with Applications, ISSN: 0957-4147; Journal of Control Science and Engineering, ISSN: 0957-4147; International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, ISSN: 1687-5966; Engineering Optimization, ISSN: 0305-215X; International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, ISSN: 1729-8814; International Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part G - Journal of Aerospace Engineering, ISSN: 0954-4100; ISA Transactions, ISSN: 0019-0578; Engineering Applications of Artificial Inteligence, ISSN: 0952-1976; IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information, ISSN: 0265-0754; Measurement, ISSN: 0263-2241; Journal of Franklin Institute, ISSN: 0263-2241; Proceedings of the Romanian Academy, Series A: Mathemathics, Phisics, Technical Sciences, Information Science, ISSN: 0263-2241; Applied Soft Computing, ISSN: 1568-4946; nternational Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, ISSN: 1099-1239; IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, ISSN: 2168-2216; International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, ISSN: 1598-6446; Robotics and Autonomous Systems, ISSN: 0921-8890; Acta Astronautica, ISSN: 0094-5765; Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, eISSN: 1533-3884; IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, ISSN: 1063-6706; IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II - Express Briefs, ISSN: 1549-7747; IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I - Regular papers, ISSN: 1549-8328; Aerospace, ISSN: 2226-4310; Drones, ISSN: 2504-446X; Defence Technology, ISSN: 2214-9147; IEEE Transactions on Inteligent Vehicles, ISSN: 2379-8858; IET Control & Applications, ISSN: 1751-8652.
Conferences: WSEAS International Conference on Automatic Control, Modelling & Simulation (ACMOS '12, ACMOS '13); Automatic Control, Soft Computing and Human-MachineInteraction (ASME’12); 16th WSEAS International Conference on Systems (CSCC’12); 3th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Control, Signals; European Conference on Control (ECC’12, ECC'13); 11th WSEAS International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Electronics, Control & Signal Processing (CSECS’12); 12th WSEAS International Conference on Signal Processing, Robotics and Automation (ISPRA’13); 9th WSEAS International Conference on Dynamical Systems and Control (CONTROL’13); 17th WSEAS International Conference on Systems (CSCC’13); 52th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC’13); 14th WSEAS International Conference on Automation & Information (ICAI’13); 2th Intelligent Control, Modelling and Systems Engineering (ICMS’14); 16th IEEE International Carpathian Congrol Conference (ICCC’15); Mathematical, Computational and Statistical Sciences Conference (MCSS'16); 16th International Conference on Robotics, Control and Manufacturing Technology (ROCOM’16); International Conference on Systems Control and Computing (ICSTCC 2016, 2020, 2022, 2024); International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices (SSD’17); American Control Conference (ACC); 9th International Conference on Mathematical Modelling (MATHMOD’18); 6th World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (WorldCIST 2019-2023); Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED’18); 9th International Conference on Cntrol, Decision, and Information Technologies (CODIT’23).
![]() Member of Scientific Societies
- Member of S.R.A.I.T. (Automatics and Informatics Romanian Society) starting with 2010;
- Member of A.A.A.R.(Romanian Aeronautical and Astronautically Association) starting with 2009;
- Collaborator member of Association “Romanian Wings” starting with 2010;
- Member of D.A.A.M. (Danube Adria Association for Automation & Manufacturing Vienna - Austria) – 2008, 2010, 2011;
- Director of CERTES Research Centre (Research and testing of the electro energetic systems and of the Aerospatiale stabilization and navigation systems);
- Member of CNATDCU (National Council for Attestation of University Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates) - Commission for Aerospace Engineering, Vehicles and Transport starting with May 2020.
![]() Didactic/Nondidactic activities
- Participation in aircraft ZLIN YR-E.I.B. 2004 refurbishment, activity domain: electrical installations and board apparatus;
- Attendance atthescientific student conference “Student Technical Days”, April 26-29, 2004.Here I presented the paper: Aircraft attitude control systems for the pitch movement;
- Design ofthe practical functional laboratory device Strap – Down Gyrometric Platform for the measurement of the roll, pitch and yaw angular rates (the platform has three velocity gyros, it has three freedom degrees and it gives the roll, pitch and yaw angular rates of the aircraft. The platform uses an acquisition board and it is connected with the computer by means of an interface; the measurement of the three angular rates is made on-line. The software has been designed in Hi-Q by the author of the platform);
- Evaluation expert for the research grants financed by UEFISCDI (2017-present);
- PLENARY SPEAKER to the International Conference on Automatic Control, Modelling and Simulation (ACMOS '09), Istanbul, Turkey, May 30 - June 1, 2009; here I presented the paper Non-linear Adaptive Controllers with Linear Dynamic Compensator and Neural Network and I obtained a diploma;
- Courses within the grant “University research partnership - a step towards a postdoctoral school of the future”: Gender equality, equal opportunities and discrimination, sustainable development and environment protection (February, 7-9, 2011; August 29-31, 2012); The research management (March, 9, 12-13, 2011; March, 27-28, 2012); Electronic access to the scientific literature to support and promote the research and education system in Romania (Craiova, 25 february 2020).
- I participated to the wording of approximately 20 research projects proposals;
- Organization ofmeetings with high school students for the presentation of specialization “Avionics equipment and devices”;
- Member in the committee for the accreditation of the specialization “Avionics Equipment and Devices” (2009);
- Secretary/Member of the Commission for the Enrollment incollege, July – September 2010, 2011, 2016, 2017, 2018;
- Member of the Commission for diploma exam (specialization: “Avionics Equipment and Devices”) and dissertation exam (specialization: “Complex systems for the aerospace engineering”), the July and September 2018 sessions;
- Member in the coordinating team for the educational partnership research “Traces littéraires et géographiques d’Antoine de Saint-Exupéry”, April –May 2011. Partners: “Tudor Arghezi” Theoretical High School, ISJ Dolj, Faculty of Electrical Engineering. The project chief: Raluca Lungu.