Lungu, M.  Sisteme complexe adaptive si optimale de stabilizare, navigatie si conducere a aparatelor de zbor.
Universitatea „Politehnica” Bucuresti, Catedra de Stiinte Aeropatiale „Elie Carafoli”, 28 noiembrie 2007.
1.  Lungu, M. Sisteme de conducere a zborului. Editura Sitech, Craiova, 2008, 329 pag., ISBN: 978-973-746-975-5
(carte premiata cu premiul AUREL VLAICU decernat de ACADEMIA  ROMANA in anul 2010) (3 citari).  Request PDF
2.  Lungu, M. Algoritmi si structuri pentru identificarea, estimarea si conducerea zborului aeronavelor si rachetelor. Editura Sitech, Craiova, 2013, 340 pag., ISBN: 978-606-11-3113-6.  Request PDF
3.  Lungu, M.Lungu, R. Estimarea starii aparatelor de zbor. Editura Sitech, Craiova, 2014, 290 pag., ISBN: 978-606-11-3699-5.  Request PDF
4.  Lungu, R., Lungu, M. Controlul automat al aeronavelor la aterizare. Editura Sitech, Craiova, Craiova, 2015, 398 pag., ISBN: 978-606-11-4341-2.  (1 citare)   Request PDF
5.  Lungu, M. Controlul optimal al aparatelor de zbor. Editura Sitech, Craiova, 2015, 178 pag., ISBN: 978-606-11-4840-0.    Request PDF
6.  Lungu, R., Sepcu, L., Lungu, M. Dinamica si controlul zborului micro-vehiculelor aeriene. Editura Sitech, Craiova, 2016, 238 pag., ISBN: 978-606-11-5103-5.    Request PDF
7.  Lungu, R., Ioan, M., Lungu, M. Controlul giroscopic al atitudinii satelitilor. Editura Sitech, Craiova, 2017, 260 pag., ISBN: 978-606-11-6108-9.  Download PDF
8.  Lungu, R., Lungu, M. Aircraft Landing Control Using the H-inf Control and the Dynamic Inversion Technique. Capitol in cartea „Automation and Control Trends”, ISBN 978-953-51-2671-3 (editori: Pedro Ponce, Arturo Molina Gutierrez, Luis M. Ibarra). Editura Intech, 2016, pag. 101-120 (1 citare).      Download PDF
9.  Ben Warrad, S., Boubaker, O., Lungu, M., Zhu, Q. On unknown input observer design for linear systems with delays in states and inputs. Capitol in cartea „New trends in Observer-based Control - Design and Applications - volume 1”, ISBN: 9780128170380. Editori: O. Boubaker, Q. Zhu, M.S. Mahmoud, J. Ragot, H.R. Karimi, J. Davilla. Editura Elsevier, 2019 (4 citari).    Request PDF
10.  Lungu, M. Backstepping control method in aerospace engineering. Editura Academica Greifswald - Germania, 2022, 312 pag. (1 citare)  Request PDF
11.  Lungu, R., Efrim, C., Lungu, M. Actuatoare giroscopice. Editura Sitech, Craiova, 2024, 274 pag., ISBN: 978-606-11-8568-9.
1.  Lungu, M., Lungu R. Sisteme de conducere a zborului – Lucrari practice de laborator,
Editura Sitech, Craiova, 2010, 130 pag. ISBN 978-606-530-688-2. Request PDF
2.  Lungu, M., Lungu R. Estimarea starii aparatelor de zbor– Lucrari practice de laborator, Editura Sitech, Craiova, 2014, 160 pag., ISBN: 978-606-11-4151-7. Request PDF
1.  Preotu, O., Dumitrache, A., Lungu, M.   Carena aero-hidrodinamica cu rezistenta mica la înaintare si efect Coanda amplificat. Brevet nr.: 126028, data: 29.11.2013.
2.  Preotu, O., Dumitrache, A., Frunzulica, F., Lungu, M., Sîrbu, I., Duta, M. Instalatie pentru demonstrarea amplificarii directe a efectului Coanda. Brevet nr.: 132864, data: 28.06.2024.
1.  Lungu, R., Lungu, M., Rotaru, C. Non-linear adaptive system for the control of the helicopters pitch’s angle. Proceedings of the Romanian Academy, Series A: Mathematics, Physics, Technical Sciences, Information Science, vol. 12, nr. 2/2011, pp. 133 – 142, ISSN: 1454-9069 (ISI Journal) (5 citations). Journal relative impact factor: 0.149, Journal influence relative score: 0.   Download PDF
2.  Grigorie, T.L., Botez, R.M., Lungu, M., Edu, I.R., Obreja, R. Micro-electromechanical systems gyro performance improvement through bias correction over temperature using an adaptive neural network-trained fuzzy inference system, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part G - Journal of Aerospace engineering, vol. 226, no. 9, pp. 1121 – 1138, DOI: 10.1177/0954410011417793, ISSN: 0954-4100 (ISI Journal) (6 citations). Journal relative impact factor: 1.18923, Journal influence relative score: 0.683.    Request PDF
3.  Lungu, M., Lungu, R., Rotaru, C. New Systems for Identification, Estimation and Adaptive Control of the Aircrafts’ Movements. Studies in Informatics and Control ISSN: 1220-1766 (ISI Journal) (8 citations). Journal relative impact factor: 0.671, Journal influence relative score: 0.    Download PDF
4.  Lungu, R., Lungu, M., Grigorie, L. ALSs with Conventional and Fuzzy Controllers Considering Wind Shears and Gyro Errors, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 794-813, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)AS.1943-5525.0000207, ISSN: 0893-1321, e-ISSN: 1943-5525 (ISI Journal) (11 citations). Journal relative impact factor: 1.09846, Journal influence relative score: 1.409.     Download PDF
5.  Lungu, M., Lungu, R., Full-Order Observer Design forLinear Systems with Unknown Inputs, International Journal of Control, vol. 85, no. 10, pp. 1602 - 1615, DOI:10.1080/00207179.2012.695397, ISSN: 0020-7179, e-ISSN: 1366-5820 (ISI Journal) (34 citations). Journal relative impact factor: 0.977, Journal influence relative score: 1.00.    Download PDF
6.  Lungu, M., Lungu, R., Adaptive Backstepping Flight Control for a Mini–UAV, International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, vol. 27, pp. 635-650, 2013ISSN: 0890-6327, e-ISSN: 1099-1115 (ISI Journal) (42 citations). Journal relative impact factor: 0.913, Journal influence relative score: 1.081.    Download PDF
7.  Lungu, R., Lungu, M., Adaptive Control of the Helicopters’ Pitch Angle and Velocity. Journal of Aerospace Engineering, vol. 27, no. 5, 2014, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)AS.1943-5525.0000286, ISSN: 0893-1321, e-ISSN: 1943-5525 (ISI Journal) (6 citations). Journal relative impact factor: 1.0984, Journal influence relative score: 1.409.    Download PDF
8.  Lungu, R., Lungu, M., Grigorie, T.L., Automatic Control of Aircraft in Longitudinal Plane During Landing. IEEE Transactionson Aerospace & Electronic Systems, vol. 49, no. 2, 2013, pp. 1338–1350, DOI: 10.1109/TAES.2013.6494418, ISSN:0018-9251 (ISI Journal) (57 citations). Journal relative impact factor: 1.095, Journal influence relative score: 2.212.    Download PDF
9.  Lungu, M., Lungu, R., Reduced Order Observer for Linear Time-Invariant Multivariable Systemswith Unknown Inputs. Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, Springer, vol. 32, pp. 2883-2898, 2013, DOI: 10.1007/s00034-013-9618-z,ISSN: 0278-081X, e-ISSN:1531-5878 (ISI Journal) (25 citations). Journal relative impact factor: 0.817, Journal influence relative score: 0.64439.    Download PDF
10.  Lungu, M., Lungu, R. Reconfigurable Controller for Active Fault-Tolerant Control Systems with Applicability to Flight Control. Proceedings of the Romanian Academy, Series A: Mathematics, Phisics, Technical Sciences, Information Science, vol.15, no. 2, pp. 191-199, 2014, ISSN: 1454-9069 (ISI Journal) (6 citations). Journal relative impact factor: 0.537, Journal influence relative score: 0.104.     Download PDF
11.  Lungu, R., Lungu, M., Automatic Landing Control using H-inf Control and Dynamic Inversion, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part G - Journal of Aerospace Engineering, vol. 228, no. 14, pp. 2612-2626, ISSN: 0954-4100 (ISI Journal) (19 citations). Journal relative impact factor: 1.18923, Journal influence relative score: 0.683.    Download PDF
12.  Lungu, M., Lungu, R., Design of Full-order Observers for Systems with Unknown Inputs by using the Eigenstructure Assignment, Asian Journal of Control, vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 1470-1481, 2014, ISSN: 1561-8625 (ISI Journal) (14 citations). Journal relative impact factor: 1.411, Journal influence relative score: 0.433.    Download PDF
13.  Lungu, R., Sepcu, L., Lungu, M., Four-bar mechanism’s PD and neural adaptive control for the thorax of the micromechanical flying insects, Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control (Transactions of ASME), ISSN: 0022-0434, e-ISSN: 1528-9028 (ISI Journal) (5 citations). Journal relative impact factor: 0.758, Journal influence relative score: 0.7.    Download PDF
14. Lungu, M., Lungu, R., Application of H2/H Technique to Aircraft Landing Control. Asian Journal of Control, vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 2153-2164, 2015, ISSN: 1561-8625 (ISI Journal) (15 citations). Journal relative impact factor: 1.411, Journal influence relative score: 0.433.    Download PDF
15.  Lungu, R., Lungu, M.Automatic Control of Aircraft in Lateral-Directional Plane During Landing. Asian Journal of Control, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 1-16, 2016, ISSN: 1561-8625 (ISI Journal) (21 citations). Journal relative impact factor: 1.411, Journal influence relative score: 0.433.    Download PDF
16.  Lungu, R., Lungu, M., Control of the Aircraft Lateral-Directional Motion during Landing using the H-inf Control and the Dynamic Inversion. Proceedings of the Romanian Academy, Series A: Mathematics, Phisics, Technical Sciences, Information Science, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 547-555, ISSN: 1454-9069 (ISI Journal) (3 citations). Journal relative impact factor: 1.658, Journal influence relative score: 0.198.   Download PDF
17.  Lungu, M., Lungu, R., Automatic Control of Aircraft Lateral-directional Motion during Landing using Neural Networks and Radio-technical Subsystems. Neurocomputing Journal, vol.171, pp. 471-481, 2016, ISSN: 0925-2312 (ISI Journal) (46 citations). Databases: ISI Web of Science. Journal relative impact factor: 2.083, Journal influence relative score: 0.866.    Download PDF
18.  Lungu, R., Lungu, M., Application of H2/H∞ and Dynamic InversionTechniques to Aircraft Landing Control. Aerospace Science and Technology, vol. 46, pp. 146-158, 2015, ISSN: 1270-9638 (ISI Journal) (33 citations). Journal relative impact factor: 0.94, Journal influence relative score: 2.093.    Download PDF
19.  Lungu, R., Lungu, M., Design of Automatic Landing Systems using the H-inf Control and the Dynamic Inversion, Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control (Transactions of ASME), ISSN: 0022-0434, e-ISSN: 1528-9028 (ISI Journal) (17 citations). Journal relative impact factor:: 0.978, Journal influence relative score: 0.7.    Download PDF
20. Lungu, R., Lungu, M. Adaptive Flight Control Law Based on Neural Networks and Dynamic Inversion for Micro Aerial Vehicles. Neurocomputing Journal, vol. 199, pp. 40-49, 2016, ISSN: 0925-2312 (ISI Journal) (6 citations). Journal relative impact factor: 2.083, Journal influence relative score: 0.866.    Download PDF
21. Lungu, R., Lungu, M. Automatic Landing System using Neural Networks and Radio-technical Subsystems. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 399-411, 2017, ISSN: 1000-9361 (ISI Journal) (30 citations). Journal relative impact factor: 1.070.   Request PDF
22.  Lungu, M., Lungu, R., Landing Auto-pilots for Aircraft Motion in Longitudinal Plane using Adaptive Control Laws Based on Neural Networks and Dynamic Inversion, Asian Journal of Control, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 302-315, 2017, ISSN: 1561-8625 (ISI Journal) (19 citations).   Journal relative impact factor: 1.407.    Request PDF
23. Lungu, R., Lungu, M.  Automatic control of the micro aerial vehicles’ attitude and position. International Journal of Micro Aerial Vehicles, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 61-73, 2017, ISSN: 1756-8293 (ISI Journal(1 citation). Journal relative impact factor: 0.343.   Request PDF
24.  Lungu, M., Lungu, R., Autonomous Adaptive Control System for Airplane Landing, Asian Journal of Control, vol. 21, no. 4, 2019, ISSN: 1561-8625 (ISI Journal) (8 citations). Journal relative impact factor: 2.005.    Request PDF
25.  Lungu, M. Design of Reduced-Order Multiple Observers for Uncertain Systems with Unknown Inputs, Complexity, vol. X, no. X, 2018, ISSN: 1076-2787 (ISI Journal) (7 citations). Journal relative impact factor: 1.829.    Request PDF
26.  Lungu, M., Lungu, R., Neural network based Adaptive Control of Airplane's Lateral-directional Motion during Final Approach Phase of Landing, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, vol. 74, 2018, pag. 322-335, ISSN: 0952-1976 (ISI Journal) (14 citations). Journal relative impact factor: 2.819.    Request PDF
27.  Lungu, M. Reduced-order Multiple Observer for Takagi-Sugeno Systems with Unknown Inputs. ISA Transactions, vol. 85, 2019, pp. 1-12, ISSN: 0019-0578 (ISI Journal) (14 citations). Journal relative impact factor: 4.343.    Request PDF
28.  Lungu, M. Design of Reduced-order Multiple Observers for Takagi-Sugeno Systems with Unknown Inputs. Measurement, vol. 134, 2019, ISSN: 0263-2241 (ISI Journal) (4 citations). Journal relative impact factor: 2.791.    Request PDF
29.  Ben Warrad, S., Boubaker, O., Lungu, M. , Mobayen, S. Full and reduced order unknown inpit observer design for linear time-delay systems with multiple delays. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2018, ID: 1745734, 13 pag., 2018, ISSN: 1024-123X, e-ISSN: 1563-5147 (ISI Journal) (12 citations). Journal relative impact factor: 1.145.    Request PDF
30.  Lungu, M., Lungu, R., Adaptive Neural Network-based Satellite Attitude Control by using the Dynamic Inversion Technique and a VSCMG Pyramidal Cluster. Complexity, vol. X, no. X, 2018, ISSN: 1076-2787 (ISI Journal) (10 citations). Journal relative impact factor: 2.591.    Request PDF
31.  Lungu, M. Auto-landing of fixed wing unmanned aerial vehicles using the backstepping control. ISA Transactions, vol. 95, 2019, pag. 194-210, ISSN: 0019-0578 (ISI Journal) (67 citations), DOI: Journal relative impact factor: 4.305.    Request PDF
32.  Lungu, M. Backstepping and Dynamic Inversion Combined Controller for Auto-landing of Fixed Wing UAVs. Aerospace Science and Technology, vol. 96, 2020, ISSN: 1270-9638 (ISI Journal) (74 citations). Journal relative impact factor: 4.499.    Request PDF
33.  Lungu, M. Auto-landing of UAVs with variable centre of mass using the backstepping and dynamic inversion control. Aerospace Science and Technology, vol. 103, 2020, ISSN: 1270-9638 (ISI Journal) (48 citations). Journal relative impact factor: 4.499.    Request PDF
34.  Lungu, M. Control of Double Gimbal Control Moment Gyro Systems using the Backstepping ControlMethod and a Nonlinear Disturbance Observer. Acta Astronautica, vol. X, nr. X, 2020, ISSN: 1270-9638 (ISI Journal) (25 citations). Journal relative impact factor: 2.413.    Request PDF
35.  Guan, Z., Liu, H., Zheng, Z., Lungu, M., Ma, Y. Fixed-time control for automatic carrier landing with disturbance. Aerospace Science and Technology, ISSN: 1270-9638, vol. X, nr. X, 2021 (ISI Journal) (44 citations). Journal relative impact factor: 5.107.    Request PDF
36.  Lungu, M. Neuro-Observer based Control of Double Gimbal Control Moment Gyro Systems. Aerospace Science and Technology, vol. X, 2021, ISSN: 1270-9638 (ISI Journal) (16 citations). Journal relative impact factor: 5.107.    Request PDF
37.    Lungu, R., Lungu, M., Efrim, C. Adaptive control of DGMSCMG using dynamic inversion and neural networks. Advances in Space Research (ISI Journal) (6 citations), ISSN: 0273-1177, vol. 68, nr. 18, 2021. Journal relative impact factor: 2.152.    Request PDF
38.  Lungu, M. Backstepping and Dynamic Inversion Control Techniques for Automatic Landing of Fixed Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Aerospace Science and Technology, vol. 120, 2022, ISSN: 1270-9638 (ISI Journal) (30 citations)Journal relative impact factor: 5.107.    Request PDF
39.  Lungu, R., Lungu, M., Efrim, C. Attitude adaptive control of satellites using double-gimbal magnetically suspended control moment gyros. Aerospace Science and Technology (ISI Journal) (4 citations), ISSN: 1270-9638, vol. 126, 2022. Journal relative impact factor: 5.107. Request PDF
40.  Guo, H., Chen, M., Jiang, Y., Lungu, M.  Distributed Adaptive Human-in-The-Loop Event Triggered Formation Control for QUAVs With Quantized Communication. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (ISI Journal) (29 citations), ISSN: 1551-3203, vol. 19, nr. 6, 2023.Journal relative impact factor: 11.648. Request PDF
41.  Lungu, M. , Chen, M., Vilcica (Dinu), D.A. Backstepping-and Sliding Mode-Based Automatic Carrier Landing System with Deck Motion Estimation and CompensationAerospace (ISI Journal) (10 citations), ISSN: 2226-4310, vol. 9, nr. 11, 2022. Journal relative impact factor: 2.66. Request PDF
42.  Ma, B., Chen, M., Shen, Y., Lungu, M.  Inverse Optimal Zero Effort Miss Guidance Based on Disturbance Observer. Aerospace (ISI Journal(1 citation), ISSN: 2226-4310, vol. 9, nr. 12, 2022. Journal relative impact factor: 2.66. Download PDF
43.  Wan, M., Chen, M., Lungu, M. Integral backstepping sliding mode control for unmanned autonomous helicopters based on neural networks. Drones (ISI Journal) (9 citations), ISSN: 2504-446X, vol. 7, nr. 154, 2023. Journal relative impact factor: 5.532. Download PDF
44.  Zhu, H., Chen, M., Han, Z., Lungu, M.  Inverse Reinforcement Learning-Based Fire-Control CommandCalculation of an Unmanned Autonomous Helicopter UsingSwarm Intelligence Demonstration. Aerospace (ISI Journal) (4 citations), ISSN: 2226-4310, vol. 10, nr. 3, 2023. Journal relative impact factor: 2.66. Download PDF
45.  Lungu, M.,  Vilcica (Dinu), D.A., Chen, M., Flores, G. Inverse optimal control for autonomous carrier landing with disturbances. Aerospace Science and Technology (ISI Journal) (11 citations), ISSN: 1270-9638, vol. X, 2023; Journal relative impact factor: 5.457. Request PDF
46. Wang, R., Lungu, M., Zhou, Z., Zhu, X., Ding, Y., Zhao, Q. Least global position information based control of fixed-wing UAVs formation flight: Flight tests and experimental validation. Aerospace Science and Technology (ISI Journal) (15 citations), ISSN: 1270-9638, vol. X, 2023. Journal relative impact factor: 5.457. Request PDF
47. Huang, Z., Chen, M., Lungu, M. Interconnected disturbance observer-based tracking control for permanent magnet synchronous motors. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology (ISI Journal) (3 citations), ISSN: 1063-6536, vol. 31, nr. 6, 2023. Journal relative impact factor: 4.8. Request PDF
48. Wan, M., Chen, M., Lungu, M. Adaptive sensor fault tolerant control with prescribed performance for unmanned autonomous helicopter based on neural networks. Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology (ISI Journal), ISSN: 0002-2667, vol. 96, nr. 3, 2024. Journal relative impact factor: 1.5. Request PDF
49.  Guo, H., Chen, M., Shen, Y., Lungu, M. Distributed Event-Triggered Collision Avoidance Formation Control for QUAVs With Disturbances Based on Virtual Tubes. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (ISI Journal(2 citations), ISSN: 1551-3203, 2024. DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2024.3417975. Journal relative impact factor: 7.5. Request PDF
50.  Yuan, R., An, Z., Shao, S., Chen, M., Lungu, M. Dynamic event-triggered fault-tolerant cooperative resilient tracking control with prescribed performance for UAVs. Science China Information Sciences (ISI Journal(1 citation), vol.67, nr. 8, pag. 1-18. Journal relative impact factor: 7.3. Request PDF
51.  Shen, Y., Chen, M., Lungu, M., Guo, H. Decoupled Finite-Time Approximation Auxiliary System-Based Three-Dimensional Integrated Guidance and Control. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering (ISI Journal) (2 citations), ISSN: 1545-5955, vol. X, nr. X, 2024. Journal relative impact factor: 5.9. Request PDF
52.  Ebrahimpour, M., Lungu, M., Kakavand, M. Fixed-time Backstepping Fuzzy Integral Sliding Mode Control for Automatic Landing of Fixed-wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Journal of the Franklin Institute (ISI Journal), ISSN: 0016-0032, vol. X, nr. X, 2024. Journal relative impact factor: 3.7. Request PDF
53.  Lungu, R., Tudosie, A.N., Lungu, M., Craciunoiu, N.C. Actuators with two double gimbal magnetically suspended control moment gyros for the attitude control of the satellites. Micromachines (ISI Journal), ISSN: 2072-666X, vol. 15, nr. 9, 2024. Journal relative impact factor: 3.0. Request PDF
54.  Guo, H., Chen, M., Shi, S., Han, Z., Lungu, M. Distributed Coordinated Control for QUAVs With Switching Formation Strategy. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles (ISI Journal(1 citation), ISSN: 2379-8858, vol. X, nr. X, 2024, DOI: 10.1109/TIV.2024.3466152. Journal relative impact factor: 14. Request PDF
55.  Dinu (Vilcica), D.A., Lungu, M., Chen, M., Tudosie, A. Four-stage Cascaded Adaptive Sliding Mode Control for AutomaticCarrier Landing with Airwake Disturbances and Uncertainties. Applied Mathematical Modelling (ISI Journal(1 citation), ISSN: 0307-904X, vol. X, nr. X, 2024, DOI: https:// Journal relative impact factor: 4.4. Request PDF
56.  Guo, H., Chen, M., Lungu, M., Li, B. Distributed event-triggered collision avoidance coordinated control for QUAVs based on flexible virtual tubes. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics (ISI Journal(2 citations), ISSN: 1000-9361, vol. X, nr. X, 2024, DOI:10.1016/j.cja.2024.11.010. Journal relative impact factor: 5.3.   Request PDF 
57.  Tudosie, A.N., Lungu, M. Evaluation of Turbojet Engine with Water Injection for Aircraft Use as Controlled Object. Aerospace (ISI Journal), ISSN: 2226-4310, vol. 12, nr. 1, 2025. Journal relative impact factor: 2.1.    Download PDF 
58.  Ebrahimpour, M., Lungu, M. Finite-time path-following control of underactuated auvs with actuator limits using disturbance observer-based backstepping control. Drones (ISI Journal), ISSN: 2504-446X, vol. 9, no. 70, 2025. Journal relative impact factor: 4.4    Download PDF
1.    Lungu, M., Lungu, R., Grigorie L., Automat Control of the Aircrafts’ Lateral Movement using the Dynamic Inversion. International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial and Aerospace Engineering (ICMIAE 2011), July 27 – 29, Paris, France, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Issue 79, Year 7, pag. 381 – 388, ISSN: 2010-376X (Conferinta indexata ERA). Scor relativ de influenta: 0   Download PDF
Indexat in baze de date: ERA, Scopus, Compendex, EBSCO, Engineering Village/Engineering Index (EI), DOAJ.
2.    Lungu, M.Stabilization and control of a UAV flight attitude angles using the backstepping methodInternational Conference on Modeling and Simulation (ICMS 2012), January 15-17, 2012, Zurich, Elvetia, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Issue 61, January 2012, pag. 299 – 306, ISSN: 2010-376X (Conferinta indexata ERA(14 citari)Scor relativ de influenta: 0.5 (conferinta de tip A)  Download PDF
Indexat in baze de date: ERA, Scopus, Compendex, EBSCO, Engineering Village/Engineering Index (EI), DOAJ.
3.    Lungu, M., Lungu, R., Grigorie, L., Aircrafts State Estimation by using an Adaptive Observer for MIMO Linear Time Varying SystemsIEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2012), July 2-6, 2012, Madrid, Spain, pag. 648-653 (Conferinta indexata ERA). Scor relativ de influenta: 0.25 (conferinta de tip B) (1 citare)   Download PDF
Indexat in baze de date: ERA, IEEE Xplore, Scopus.
1.    Lungu, M., Neuro-Observer with Aplication to Longitudinal Motion of an Aircraft with Big Attack Angle. Proceedings of the 11-th International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Electricity (ICATE 2012), Craiova, 25-27 October, 2012. Publicat in „Analele Universitatii din Craiova”, Seria Inginerie Electrica (revista CNCSIS – categoria B), no. 36, pag. 404-409. ISSN: 1842-4805, DOI: 10.1109/ICATE.2012.6403454 (ISI Proceedings)Download PDF
Indexat in baze de date: ISI Web of Science, IEEE Xplore, Copernicus.
2.    Lungu, M., The Estimation of an Aircraf Motions by using the Bass-Gura Full-Order Observer. Proceedings of the 11-th International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Electricity (ICATE 2012), Craiova, 25-27 October, 2012. Publicat in „Analele Universitatii din Craiova”, Seria Inginerie Electrica (revista CNCSIS – categoria B), no. 36, pag. 410-414. ISSN: 1842-4805, DOI: 10.1109/ICATE.2012.6403455 (ISI Proceedings) (5 citari)Download PDF
Indexat in baze de date: ISI Web of Science, IEEE Xplore, Copernicus.
3.    Lungu, R., Ispas, S., Iancu, M., Lungu, M., Optimal Control of Helicopter Motion. Proceedings of the 11-th International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Electricity (ICATE 2012), Craiova, 25-27 October, 2012. Publicat in „Analele Universitatii din Craiova”, Seria Inginerie Electrica (revista CNCSIS – categoria B), no. 36, pag. 449-453. ISSN: 1842-4805, DOI: 10.1109/ICATE.2012.6403456 (ISI Proceedings) (4 citari)Download PDF
Indexat in baze de date: ISI Web of Science, IEEE Xplore, Copernicus.
4.    Lungu, R., Iancu, M., Ispas, S., Lungu, M., Adaptive Control of the Aircraft Pitch Angular Motion by using the Dynamic Inversion Principle. Proceedings of the 11-th International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Electricity (ICATE 2012), Craiova, 25-27 October, 2012. Publicat in „Analele Universitatii din Craiova”, Seria Inginerie Electrica (revista CNCSIS – categoria B), no. 36, 454-458. ISSN: 1842-4805, DOI: 10.1109/ICATE.2012.6403457 (ISI Proceedings) (3 citari)Download PDF
Indexat in baze de date: ISI Web of Science, IEEE Xplore, Copernicus
5.    Lungu, M., Lungu, R., Grigorie L., Automatic Command Systems for the Flight Direction Control during the Landing Process. 3rd IEEE International Symposium on Logistics and Industrial Informatics (LINDI 2011), August 25 – 27, Budapest, pag. 117–122, ISBN: 978-1-4577-1840-3, DOI: 10.1109/LINDI.2011.6031131 (ISI Proceedings).  Download PDF
Indexat in baze de date: IEEE Xplore database. In curs de indexare in baze de date: ISI Web of Science, Inspec/Compendex.
6.    Lungu, M., Mastorakis, N., Grigorie, L. Automat Control of the Flight Altitude Using the Dynamic Inversion and the Influence of Wind Shears and Sensors’ Errors on the Aircrafts’ Landing Process. 7th WSEAS International Conference on Dynamical Systems and Control, 1–3 July, 2011, Iasi, Romania; vol. Recent Researches in Computational Techniques, Non-linear Systems and Control, pp. 97-104, ISBN: 978-1-61804-011-4 (ISI Proceedings) (1 citare)Download PDF
In curs de indexare in baze de date: ISI Web of Science, ACM.
7.    Grigorie, T.L., Lungu, M., Edu, I.R., Obreja, R. Miniature Accelerometer Precision Improvement Using Intelligent Control. 6th IEEE International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics (SACI 2011), May 19-21, 2011, Timisoara, Romania (ISI Proceedings).  Download PDF
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8.    Grigorie, T.L., Lungu, M., Edu, I.R., Obreja, R. Concepts for error modeling of miniature gyros used in inertial navigation systems. International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Robotics and AeroSpace (ICMERA 2010), 2 – 4 dec. 2010, Bucuresti, Romania. ISBN: 978-1-4244-8867-4 (ISI Proceedings) (10 citari).  Request PDF
In curs de indexare in baze de date: IEEE Xplore database, ISI Web of Science, Inspec, Compendex.
9.    Grigorie, T.L., Lungu, M., Corcau, J., Edu, I.R., Obreja, R.  Miniaturised Strap-Down Gyro Performance Improvement through On-Line Bias Correction over Temperature. International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Robotics and AeroSpace (ICMERA 2010), 2 – 4 dec. 2010, Bucuresti, Romania. ISBN: 978-1-4244-8867-4 (ISI Proceedings).  Request PDF
In curs de indexare in baze de date: IEEE Xplore database, ISI Web of Science, Inspec, Compendex.
10.    Calbureanu, M., Lungu, M., Tutunea, D., Malciu, R., Dima, A., Modeling with finite element the convective heat transfer in civil building EPS insulated walls. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Applied Computer Science (ACS ‘10), Iwate, Japan, October 4 – 6, 2010, ISSN: 1792 – 4863, ISBN: 978 – 960 – 474 – 231 – 8 (ISI Proceedings) (2 citari)Download PDF
Indexat in baze de date: ISI Web of Science, ACM.
11.    Lungu, M., Lungu, R., Bacanu, Gh. Angular stabilization systems of the rockets in vertical plane using differentiator gyroscope. Recent Advances in Circuits, Systems and Signals, pag. 51 – 56, ISSN: 1792-4324. International Conference on Circuits, Systems and Signals (IEEE.AM - CSS), Malta, September 15 – 17, 2010.  ISBN: 978-960-474-226-4. (ISI Proceedings).  Download PDF
Indexat in baze de date: ISI Web of Science, ACM.
12.  Lungu, M., Lungu, R., Sepcu, L. Non-linear adaptive system for the control of the aircrafts’ roll angle. Recent Advances in Circuits, Systems and Signals, pag. 39 – 44, ISSN: 1792-4324. International Conference on Circuits, Systems and Signals (IEEE.AM - CSS), Malta, September 15 – 17, 2010.  ISBN: 978-960-474-226-4 (ISI Proceedings).  Download PDF
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13.   Lungu, R., Kwatra, S., Lungu, M., Grigorie, L. The use of the hierarchical dynamic inversion to the aircrafts longitudinal movement. Recent Advances in Circuits, Systems and Signals, pag. 34 – 39, ISSN: 1792-4324. International Conference on Circuits, Systems and Signals (IEEE.AM - CSS), Malta, September 15 – 17, 2010.  ISBN: 978-960-474-226-4. (ISI Proceedings).  Download PDF
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14.    Lungu, R., Borgazi, Lungu, M., Popa, D., Tutunea, D., Calbureanu, M. New methods for the simulation with finite element of the human elbow. Recent Advances in Circuits, Systems and Signals, pag. 45 – 50, ISSN: 1792-4324. International Conference on Circuits, Systems and Signals (IEEE.AM - CSS), Malta, September 15 – 17, 2010.  ISBN: 978-960-474-226-4. (ISI Proceedings) (3 citari). Download PDF
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15.    Grigorie T.L., Corcau J., Lungu, M., Sandu G.D. Bi-Dimensional Position Detection Using TDOA Estimation through Cross Correlation of the Acoustic Signals. Part 1: Theoretical Background. 2009 IEEE International Conference on ICT and Knowledge Engineering. December 1 – 2, 2009, Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand. ISBN: 978-1-4244-4513-4 (ISI Proceedings(4 citari).  Request PDF
Indexat in baze de date: ISI Web of Science, IEEE Xplore database, Compendex, Scitopia database.
16.   Lungu, M., Lungu, R. Non-linear Adaptive Controllers with Linear Dynamic Compensator and Neural Network. Proceedings of the 11th WSEAS International Conference on Automatic Control, Modelling And Simulation (ACMOS '09), Istanbul, Turkey, May 30 - June 1, 2009, pag. 334 – 339. ISBN: 978-960-474-082-6. ISSN: 1790-5117 (ISI Proceedings) (2 citari).  Download PDF
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17.     Malciu, R., Calbureanu, M., Lungu, M., Dumitru, S. Comparison between Vibrations Transversal Displacements Analytic Determined for a Linear Elastic Connecting Rod and a Linear Viscoelastic one (After the Validation by Experiment of the Vibrations Effective. Proceedings of the 11th WSEAS International Conference on Automatic Control, Modelling And Simulation (ACMOS '09), Istanbul, Turkey, May 30 - June 1, 2009, pag. 355 – 360. ISBN: 978-960-474-082-6. ISSN: 1790-5117 (ISI Proceedings) (2 citari).  Download PDF
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18.    Calbureanu, M., Malciu, R., Lungu, M., Dumitru, S.  Analytic Determination of the Accelerations of Vibrations for a Linear Viscoelastic Cinematic Element of a Crank and Connecting Rod Assembly Validated by Experiment. Proceedings of the 11th WSEAS International Conference on Automatic Control, Modelling And Simulation (ACMOS '09), Istanbul, Turkey, May 30 - June 1, 2009, pag. 349 – 354. ISBN: 978-960-474-082-6. ISSN: 1790-5117 (ISI Proceedings) (1 citare).  Download PDF
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19.    Lungu, R., Lungu, M., Stoenescu, E., Calbureanu, M. Reduced Order Observer for the Longitudinal and Lateral Movements of an Aircraft. Proceedings of the 11th WSEAS International Conference on Automatic Control, Modelling And Simulation (ACMOS '09), Istanbul, Turkey, May 30 - June 1, 2009, pag. 328 – 333. ISBN: 978-960-474-082-6. ISSN: 1790-5117 (ISI Proceedings) (4 citari)Download PDF
Indexat in baze de date: ISI Web of Science.
20.    Lungu, M., Lungu, R., Stoenescu, E., Grigorie, L. Prediction State Observer for the Longitudinal and Lateral Movements of an Aircraft. Proceedings of the 11th WSEAS International Conference on Automatic Control, Modelling And Simulation (ACMOS '09), Istanbul, Turkey, May 30 - June 1, 2009, pag. 322 – 327. ISBN: 978-960-474-082-6. ISSN: 1790-5117 (ISI Proceedings)Download PDF
Indexat in baze de date: ISI Web of Science.
21.    Dinca, L., Corcau, J.,  Lungu, M., Tudosie, A.,  Electro-hydrostatic Servo-actuators for Aircraft. Proceedings of the 7th WSEAS International Conference on Sistem Science and Simulation in Engineering (ICOSSSE '08), Venice, Italy, November 21-23, 2008, pag. 217 – 222. ISBN: 978-960-474-027-7. ISSN: 1790-2769 (ISI Proceedings) (3 citari).  Request PDF
Indexat in baze de date: ISI Web of Science, ACM.
22.    Lungu, R., Lungu, M., Dinca, L., Stoenescu, E. On – line Parametric Identification and Discrete Optimal Command for the Aircrafts Longitudinal Movement. Proceedings of the 7th WSEAS International Conference on System Science and Simulation in Engineering (ICOSSSE '08), Venice, Italy, November 21-23, 2008, pag. 211 – 216. ISBN: 978-960-474-027-7. ISSN: 1790-2769 (ISI Proceedings) (3 citari).  Download PDF
Indexat in baze de date: ISI Web of Science, ACM.
23.    Calbureanu, M.X., Malciu, R., Lungu, M., Lungu, R., Advanced Machining Technologies for Aircraft Component Parts with Thin Walls. Annals of DAAM & The 19th International DAAAM Symposium "Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Focus on Next Generation of Intelligent Systems and Solutions", 22-25th October 2008, Trnava, Slovakia, pag. 189 – 190. ISSN: 1726-9679. ISBN: 978-3-901509-68-1 (ISI Proceedings(1 citare). Request PDF
Indexat in baze de date: ISI Web of Science.
24.    Calbureanu, M., Malciu, R., Lungu, M., Calbureanu, D. Aspects about the influence of the lubricant from a rectilinear pair above the work accuracy of the elastic elements from the high precision mechanisms, 12th WSEAS Int. Conf. on Engineering Mechanics, Structures, Engineering Geology (EMESEG '08) Heraklion, Crete Island, Greece, July 22-24, 2008, pag. 209-214. ISBN: 978-960-6766-88-6, ISSN: 1790-2769 (ISI Proceedings) (1 citare).  Download PDF
Indexat in baze de date: ISI Web of Science, Compendex.
25.   Lungu, M., Lungu, R., Jula, N., Calbureanu M., Cepisca, C. Optimal Commnand of Aircrafts’ Move Using a Reduced Order Observer. 9th WSEAS International Conference on Automation & Information (ICAI'08), Bucharest, Romania, June 24 - 26, 2008, pag. 332 - 337. ISBN: 978-960-6766-77-0, ISSN: 1790-5117  (ISI Proceedings)Download PDF
Indexat in baze de date: ISI Web of Science, ACM.
26.     Lungu, M., Lungu, R., Jula, N., Cepisca, C., Calbureanu M. Synthesis Algorithm of the Optimal Control Law for Flying Objects’ Longitudinal Move. 9th WSEAS International Conference on Automation & Information (ICAI'08), Bucharest, Romania, June 24-26, 2008, pag. 326-332. ISBN: 978-960-6766-77-0, ISSN: 1790-5117 (ISI Proceedings) (1 citare).  Download PDF
Indexat in baze de date: ISI Web of Science, ACM.
27.    Corcau, J., Stoenescu, E., Lungu, M. Comparative analysis of classical and fuzzy PI algorithms. 7th WSEAS Int. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Engineering and Data Bases (AIKED'08), University of Cambridge, UK, Feb 20-22, 2008, pag. 189 – 192.ISBN: 978-960-6766-41-1, ISSN: 1790-5109 (ISI Proceedings) (1 citare).  Request PDF
Indexat in baze de date: ISI Web of Science, ACM.
28.    Lungu, R., Lungu, M., Jula, N., Cepisca, C. Stabilization Models and Structures for Move of very Maneuverable Flying Objects. 6th WSEAS International Conference on System Science and Simulation in Engineering (ICOSSSE '07), Venice, Italy, November 21-23, 2007, pag. 135 – 138. ISBN: 978-960-6766-18-3. ISSN: 1790-5117 (ISI Proceedings)Request PDF
Indexat in baze de date: ISI Web of Science, Inspec.
29.    Lungu, R., Lungu, M., Jula, N., Cepisca, C. Command Laws for Rockets' Motion Stabilisation. 6th WSEAS International Conference on System Science and Simulation in Engineering (ICOSSSE '07), Venice, Italy, November 21-23, 2007, pag. 159 – 162. ISBN: 978-960-6766-18-3. ISSN: 1790-5117 (ISI Proceedings)Request PDF
Indexat in baze de date: ISI Web of Science, Inspec.
30.    Lungu, R., Lungu, M., Jula, N., Cepisca, C. Neuro – adaptive optimal control system for aircrafts. The 3-rd WSEAS International Conference on Dynamical Systems and Control. Arcachon, France, 13 – 15 oct. 2007, pag. 298 – 301. ISBN: 978-960-6766-10-7. ISSN: 1790-5117 (ISI Proceedings)Request PDF
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31.    Lungu, R., Lungu, M., Jula, N., Cepisca, C. Models identification and adaptive control of the flying objects using neural networks. The 3rd WSEAS International Conference on Dynamical Systems and Control. Arcachon, France, 13–15 oct. 2007, pag. 302–306. ISBN: 978-960-6766-10-7. ISSN: 1790-5117 (ISI Proceedings) (3 citari).  Request PDF
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32.   Lungu, R., Lungu, M., Jula, N., Cepisca, C. Identification of Dynamic Non – Linear Models of Aircrafts with Big Incidence Angles. 7th WSEAS International Conference on Systems Theory and Scientific Computation (ISTASC'07), Vouliagmeni Beach, Athens, Greece, August 24 – 26, 2007, pag. 239 – 243. ISBN: 978-960-6766-01-5. ISSN: 1790-5117 (ISI Proceedings)Request PDF
Indexat in baze de date: ISI Web of Science, Inspec, ACM.
33.    Lungu, R., Lungu, M., Tudosie, Al. Discrete Command Law of the Longitudinal Movement of the Aircrafts. Conference on Military Technologies 2007, ICMT’07, Brno, Czech Republic, 2–4 May 2007, In Proceedings, pag. 324 – 329, ISBN: 978 – 80 – 7231 – 238 – 2 (ISI Proceedings)Request PDF
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34.    Lungu, R., Lungu, M., Corcau, J.  Aircrafts Movement Models Identification Using Neuronal Networks. Conference on Military Technologies 2007, ICMT’07, Brno, Czech Republic, 2–4 May 2007, In Proceedings, pag. 330 – 335, ISBN: 978 – 80 – 7231 – 238 – 2 (ISI Proceedings)Request PDF
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35.    Lungu, M., Lungu, R., Reduced-Order Multiple Observer for Aircraft State Estimation during Landing. Applied Mechanics and Materials, vol. 841, 2016, pag. 253-259, DOI: 10.4028/, ISSN: 1660-9336 (8 citari).     Request PDF
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36.    Lungu, M., Lungu, R., Grigorie, L., Preotu, O.  The Influence of Atmospheric Turbulences on Aircraft Landing Process. International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Electricity – ICATE 2016 (ISI Proceedings) (3 citari)Request PDF
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37.    Lungu, M., Lungu, R. The Control of Airplane Landing in Longitudinal and Lateral-directional Planes by using the H-inf Control. 18th International Carpathian Control Conference (ICCC 2017), Sinaia, România, 28-31 Mai 2017 (ISI Proceedings) (3 citari)Download PDF
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38.    Lungu, M., Lungu, R. Complete Landing Autopilot having Control Laws Based on Neural Networks and Dynamic Inversion. 18th International Carpathian Control Conference (ICCC 2017), Sinaia, România, 28-31 Mai 2017 (ISI Proceedings) (2 citari)Download PDF
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39.    Lungu, M., Berbente, S. Full-order Multiple Observer with Applications to Airplane Landing. International Conference on Control, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Optimization (ICCAIRO), Praga, 19-21 Mai 2018 (ISI Proceedings(1 citare).  Request PDF
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40.    Lungu, M., Boubaker, O., Lungu, R. Multiple Observer with Applications to Landing in Lateral-Directional Plane. 20th International Carpathian Control Conference (ICCC 2017), Kraków-Wieliczka, Poland, 26-29 Mai 2019 (ISI Proceedings)Request PDF
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41.    Lungu, M., Lungu, R., Zheng, Z., Guan, Z. Backstepping and Dynamic Inversion based Auto-landing System for Variable Centre of Mass UAV. 24th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing Joint Conference SINTES 24, SACCS 20, SIMSIS 24, CONTI 13, 2020, Sinaia, Romania (ISI Proceedings). Indexat in baze de date: ISI Web of Science, IEEE Xplore, Google Scholar.
42.    Lungu, M., Lungu, R., Efrim, C., Boubaker, O. Backstepping Control of Magnetically Suspended Double-Gimbal Control Moment Gyroscope. 24th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing Joint Conference SINTES 24, SACCS 20, SIMSIS 24, CONTI 13, 2020, Sinaia, Romania (ISI Proceedings(1 citare). Indexat in baze de date: ISI Web of Science, IEEE Xplore, Google Scholar.
43.   Lungu, R., Efrim, C., Zheng, Z.,  Lungu, M. Dynamic Inversion based Control of DGMSCMGs. Part 1: Obtaining the Nonlinear Dynamic Model. IEEE International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Electricity (ICATE), May 27-29, 2021, Craiova, Romania (ISI Proceedings). Indexat in baze de date: ISI Web of Science, IEEE Xplore, Google Scholar.
44.   Lungu, R., Efrim, C., Zheng, Z.,  Lungu, M. Dynamic Inversion based Control of DGMSCMGs. Part 2: Control Architecture Design and Validation. IEEE International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Electricity (ICATE), May 27-29, 2021, Craiova, Romania (ISI Proceedings(1 citare). Indexat in baze de date: ISI Web of Science, IEEE Xplore, Google Scholar.
45.   Lungu, M., Flores, G., Dinu, D.A., Ciuca, G.M. Autonomous Landing of tailless, blended wing, and variable centre of mass UAV using adaptive control. 8th IEEE International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies, 17-20 Mai 2022, Istanbul, Turcia (ISI Proceedings) (2 citari). Indexat in baze de date: ISI Web of Science, IEEE Xplore.
46.   Lungu, R., Butu, F.A., Lungu, M., Chen, M. Automatic Control of Launch Vehicles’ Flight Path Slope Angle by means of the Backstepping Control Method. 9th IEEE International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies, 3-6 iulie 2023, Roma, Italia (ISI Proceedings). Indexat in baze de date: ISI Web of Science, IEEE Xplore.
47.   Lungu, R., Butu, F.A., Lungu, M., Chen, M. Adaptive Control of the Relative Position for Space Vehicles in the Rendezvous Missions. IEEE International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC), 11-13 octombrie 2023, Timisoara, Romania (ISI Proceedings). Indexat in baze de date: ISI Web of Science, IEEE Xplore.
48.   Lungu, R., Butu, F.A., Lungu, M., Wang, R.  Robust Optimal Control of Spacecraft During the Rendezvous Missions Using H Control Method. IEEE International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC), 11-13 octombrie 2023, Timisoara, Romania (ISI Proceedings(1 citare). Indexat in baze de date: ISI Web of Science, IEEE Xplore.
49.   Butu, F.A., Lungu, R., Lungu, M., Barbulescu, L.  Software and Hardware Platform Using Dynamic Inversion and Neural Networks for the Launch Vehicles. IEEE International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC), 11-13 octombrie 2023, Timisoara, Romania (ISI Proceedings). Indexat in baze de date: ISI Web of Science, IEEE Xplore.
50.   Sánchez Medel, J.A., Aldana, N., Lungu, M., Flores, G. Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of a Satellite Attitude Dynamics in SO(3). IEEE International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC), 11-13 octombrie 2023, Timisoara, Romania (ISI Proceedings). Indexat in baze de date: ISI Web of Science, IEEE Xplore.
51.   Lungu, M., Grigorie, T.L., Butu, F.A., Wang, R. Automatic Attitude Control of the Launch Vehicles by means of the Backstepping Control Method. IEEE International Conference on Control, Automation and Diagnosis (ICCAD), 2024, Paris, Franta (ISI Proceedings), pag. 1-6. Indexat in baze de date: ISI Web of Science, IEEE Xplore.
1.   Lungu, M., Lungu, R., Tutunea, D. Control of Aircraft Landing using the Dynamic Inversion and the H-inf Control. 17th International Carpathian Control Conference (ICCC 2016), Tatranská Lomnica, Slovak Republic, May 29 - June 1, 2016, pag. 461-466 (12 citari).   Download PDF
In curs de indexare in baza de date: IEEE Xplore
2.   Lungu, M., Lungu, R., Mihai, I. Automatic Control of the Satellites’ Attitude and Stored Energy using Inertial Wheels. 17th International Carpathian Control Conference (ICCC 2016), Tatranská Lomnica, Slovak Republic, May 29 - June 1, 2016, pag. 461-466.   Download PDF
In curs de indexare in baza de date: IEEE Xplore
3.   Lungu, M., Lungu, R., Preotu, O. Estimation of Aircraft State during Landing by means of Multiple Observers. 23th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP 2016), 23-25 May 2016, Bratislava, Slovakia (2 citari).   Download PDF   
In curs de indexare in baza de date: IEEE Xplore
4.   Lungu, R., Lungu, M., Ioan, M., Determination and Control of the Satellites’ Attitude by using a Pyramidal Configuration of Four Control Moment Gyros. 12th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2015), Colmar, France, July 21-23, 2015.   Download PDF  
In curs de indexare in baze de date: IEEE Xplore
5.   Lungu, R., Lungu, M., Ioan, M., Nonlinear Automatic Control of the Satellites by using the Quaternion and the Angular Velocities’ Vectors. 3rd International Workshop on Numerical Modelling in Aerospace Sciences (NMAS 2015), BucureÅŸti, 6-7 Mai 2015. Incas Bulletin, vol. 7, nr. 2, pag. 93-103, ISSN: 2066-8201.    Download PDF
In curs de indexare in baza de date: Copernicus.
6.   Sepcu, L., Negrea, P., Lungu, M., Lungu, R.,  Controllability andlongitudinal movement stability of an insect-type micro air vehicle. Scientific Bulletin – University Politehnica Bucharest, Series D Mechanical Engineering, ISSN: 1454-2358.      Request PDF
In curs de indexare in baze de date: Copernicus.
7.    Lungu, M., Lungu, R., Estimation of the Controlled Generic Reentry Vehicles via Multiple Observer. 16th IEEE International Conference on on Mechatronics, December 3-5, 2014, Brno, Czech Republic.     Request PDF
In curs de indexare in baze de date: IEEE Xplore.
8.   Lungu, M., Lungu, R., Sepcu, L., Multiple Observer with Application to Aircraft Longitudinal Motion. 18th IEEE International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing, Sinaia, Romania, 17-19 Octombrie, 2014, pag. 749-54, ISBN: 978-1-4799-4602-0.     Request PDF
In curs de indexare in baze de date: IEEE Xplore.
9.    Buciu, G., Tarnita, D.N., Popa, D.L.,  Lungu, M., Miritoiu, C., Ungureanu, A. Virtual and Experimental Studies about Human Walking. Virtual Lower Leg Environment. Innovative Design of Tibia Nail. Applied Mechanics and Materials, vol. 657, 2014, pag. 770-774, DOI: 10.4028/, ISSN: 1660-9336, eISSN: 1662-7482 (2 citari).     Request PDF
Indexat inbaze de date: Scopus.
10.    Calbureanu, M., Malciu, R., Albota, E., Ionescu, A., Lungu, M., Contributions above the Influence of the Strong Vrancea Earthquakes in Oltenia Region by Processing the Seismic Recording During Seismic Motions from 1986 and 1990, International Journal of Geology, ISSN: 1998-4499.  Request PDF
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11.    Tutunea, D., Calbureanu, M., Lungu, M., The computational fluid dynamics (CFD) study of fluid dynamics performances of a resistance muffler, International Journal of Mechanics, ISSN: 1998-4448 (17 citari).  Request PDF
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12.    Calbureanu, M., Malciu, R., Tutunea, D., Ionescu, A., Lungu, M., The finite element analysis of the thermal stress distribution of a piston head, International Journal of Mechanics, ISSN: 1998-4448 (23 citari).  Request PDF
Indexat inbaze de date: Scopus.
13.    Sepcu, L., Lungu, R., Lungu, M., Optimal Control of MAVs’ Gliding Motion – Part 1: Theoretical Background, Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence (ECAI - 2013), Pitesti, Romania, 27-29 iunie 2013, pag. 1-6, ISBN: 978-1-4673-4935-2.  Request PDF
Indexat in baze de date: IEEE Xplore.
14.    Sepcu, L., Lungu, R., Lungu, M., Optimal Control of MAVs’ Gliding Motion – Part 1: Controller Design and Validation, Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence (ECAI - 2013), Pitesti, Romania, 27-29 iunie 2013, pag. 7-13, ISBN: 978-1-4673-4935-2.  Request PDF
Indexat in baze de date: IEEE Xplore.
15.    Tutunea, D., Calbureanu, M., Lungu, M., Computational fluid dynamics analysis of a resistance muffler, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Thermal Engineering and Environment (HTE’13), Athens, Greece, 14-16 May 2013, ISBN: 978-1-61804-183-8. Recent Advances in Fluid Mechanics and Heat & Mass Transfer, ISSN: 2227-4596 (8 citari), pag. 31-34.  Request PDF
In curs de indexare in baze de date: Scopus, Compendex, ACM.
16.    Calbureanu, M., Malciu, R., Tutunea, D., Ionescu, A., Lungu, M., Finite Element Modeling of a Spark Ignition Engine Piston Head, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Thermal Engineering and Environment (HTE’13), Athens, Greece, 14-16 May 2013, ISBN: 978-1-61804-183-8. Recent Advances in Fluid Mechanics and Heat & Mass Transfer, ISSN: 2227-4596, pag. 61-64 (5 citari).  Request PDF
In curs de indexare in baze de date: Compendex.
17.    Calbureanu, M., Malciu, R., Alboteanu, E., Ionescu, A., Lungu, M., Processing of the Accelerographic Recording Obtained in Oltenia Region during Strong Vrancea Earthquakes, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Thermal Engineering and Environment (HTE’13), Athens, Greece, 14-16 May 2013, ISBN: 978-1-61804-183-8. Recent Advances in Fluid Mechanics and Heat & Mass Transfer, ISSN: 2227-4596, pag. 65-70 (1 citare).  Request PDF
In curs de indexare in baze de date: Scopus, Compendex, ACM.
18.    Grigorie, L., Corcau, J., Lungu, M., Edu, I., Obreja, R., Precision improvement for a tunneling accelerometer by using an intelligent controller to close its loop. 12th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics (CINTI 2011), 21–22 November, 2011, Budapest, Hungary, ISBN: 978-1-4577-0044-6, DOI: 10.1109/CINTI.2011.6108509 (4 citari), pag. 253 – 258.   Request PDF
Indexat in baze de date: IEEE Xplore database
19.     Lungu, M., The influence of the Wind Shears and Sensor Errors upon Aircrafts Landing Process. WSEAS Transactions on Advances in Engineering Education, Issue 12, Vol. 7, December 2010, ISSN: 1790-1979 (3 citari).  Download PDF
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20.     Lungu, M.New non-linear adaptive command system for the aircrafts’ attitude control. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CIRCUITS, SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING - N.A.U.N, Issues 1, Volume 5, 2011, pag. 19 - 28. ISSN: 1998 – 4464 (2 citari).  Download PDF
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21.     Lungu, M.The stabilization and identification of the rockets’ movement in vertical plane. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CIRCUITS, SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING - N.A.U.N, Issues 1, Volume 5, 2011, pag. 9 - 18. ISSN: 1998 – 4464.  Download PDF
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22.    Lungu, M., Lungu, R., Mastorakis, N., Fariseu, R. The Stabilization of the Rockets Using a Control System Including a Differentiator Gyroscope, an Accelerometer and a Correction Subsystem. International Conference of the Institute for Environment, Engineering, Economics and Applied Mathematics (IEEEAM) - Mathematical Models for Engineering Science (MMES’10), 30 nov. – 2 dec. 2010, Puerto De La Cruz, Tenerife, pp. 37 – 43, ISBN: 978-960-474-252-3, ISSN: 1792-6734.  Download PDF
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23.    Lungu, R., Lungu, M., Mastorakis, N., Calbureanu, M. Rockets’ Stabilization Using a Control System Including an Integrator Gyroscope, an Accelerometer and a Correction Subsystem. International Conference of the Institute for Environment, Engineering, Economics and Applied Mathematics (IEEEAM)- Mathematical Models for Engineering Science (MMES’10), 30 nov. – 2 dec. 2010, Puerto De La Cruz, Tenerife pp. 44 – 50, ISBN: 978-960-474-252-3, ISSN: 1792-6734.  Download PDF
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24.    Calbureanu, M., Talu, M., Travieso-Gonzales, C., Talu, St., Lungu, M., Malciu, R. The Finite Element Analysis of Water Vapor Diffusion in a Brick with Vertical Holes. International Conference of the Institute for Environment, Engineering, Economics and Applied Mathematics (IEEEAM)- Mathematical Models for Engineering Science (MMES’10), 30 nov. – 2 dec. 2010, Puerto De La Cruz, Tenerife, pp. 57 – 62, ISBN: 978-960-474-252-3, ISSN: 1792-6734 (3 citari).  Download PDF
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25.    Lungu, M., Lungu, R., Calbureanu, M., Sepcu, L. Static system for the automatic control of the aircraft yaw’s angle with proportional – derivative control law. Annals of DAAM & The 21th International DAAAM Symposium "Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Focus on Interdisciplinar Solutions", 20-23 October 2010, Zadar, Croatia, ISSN: 1726-9679. ISBN: 978-3-901509-73-5.  Request PDF
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26.    Lungu, M., Lungu, R., Sepcu, L., Calbureanu, M. Automatic control system of the aircraft yaw’s angle using a proportional – integrator – derivative control law. Annals of DAAM & The 21th International DAAAM Symposium "Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Focus on Interdisciplinar Solutions", 20-23 October 2010, Zadar, Croatia, ISSN: 1726-9679. ISBN: 978-3-901509-73-5.  Request PDF
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27.     Grigorie, L., Lungu, M., Negrea, P., Baziukaite, D. The compensation of the thermocouples cold junction temperature variation errors using a neuro – fuzzy controller. International Conference on Applied Computer Science (IEEE.AM - ACS), Malta, September 15 – 17, 2010, pag. 72 – 77, ISSN: 1792-4863, ISBN: 978-960-474-225-7Download PDF
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28.     Lungu, R., Bekiarski, A., Lungu, M., Calbureanu, M. The Use of the Hierarchical Structured Dynamic Inversion to the Aircrafts Lateral Movement. Latest Trends on Systems (Volume 1), pag. 77 – 71, ISSN: 1792-4235. The 14th WSEAS International Conference on Systems, Corfu Island, Greece, July 22-24, 2010. ISBN: 978-960-474-199-1.  Download PDF
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29.     Lungu, M., Aircrafts’ control and command using hierarchical dynamic inversionWSEAS TRANSACTIONS on SYSTEMS and CONTROL, Issue 10, Volume 5, Oct. 2010, pag. 792 – 801. ISSN: 1991-8763 (3 citari).  Download PDF
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30.     Lungu, R, Lungu, M., Dinca, L., Stoenescu, E. On-line Parametric Identification and Discrete Optimal Command of the Flying Objects’ Move. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CIRCUITS, SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING - N.A.U.N, Issues 4, Volume 2, 2008, pag. 274 - 283. ISSN: 1998 – 4464.
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31.      Calbureanu, M., Malciu, R., Lungu, M., Calbureanu, D., The influence of the lubricant from a rectilinear pair above the work accuracy of the elastic elements from the high precision mechanisms. WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on APPLIED and THEORETICAL MECHANICS, Issue 5, Volume 3, May 2008, pag. 176–185. Request PDF
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32.     Dinca, L., Corcau, J., Lungu, M., Tudosie, A. Mathematical Models and Numerical Simulations for Electro-Hydrostatic Servo-Actuators. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CIRCUITS, SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING - N.A.U.N, Issues 4, Volume 2, 2008, pag. 229 – 238. ISSN: 1998 – 4464 (5 citari)Request PDF   Indexat in baze de date:
33.     Jula, N., Lungu, M., Ursu, T., Cepisca, C.,Racuciu, C., Raducanu, D. Theoretical and PracticalAspects for Study and Optimization of the Aircrafts’ Electro Energetic Systems. WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS, Issue 12, Volume 7, Dec. 2008, pag. 999 – 1008. ISSN: 1109-2734 (2 citari).  Request PDF
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34.     Lungu, M., Lungu, R., Jula, N., Calbureanu, M., Cepisca, C., Optimal Control of Flying Objects’ Move After Estimated State Vector Using a Reduced Order Observer. WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS, Issue 6, Volume 7, June 2008, pag. 502 – 511. ISSN: 1109-2734 (1 citare).  Download PDF
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35.     Lungu, M., Lungu, R., Jula, N., Cepisca, C., Calbureanu, M. Aspects Regarding a New Method for the Optimal Law’s Synthesis of Aircrafts’ Move. WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS, Issue 6, Volume 7, June 2008, pag. 492 – 501. ISSN: 1109-2734.  Download PDF
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36.   Lungu, R, Lungu, M., Jula, N., Cepisca, C. Systems for Move Stabilisation and for Aircrafts and Rockets Flight Optimization. WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS, Issue 7, Volume 7, July 2008, pag. 678 – 687. ISSN: 1109-2734.  Download PDF
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37.   Lungu, M., Lungu, R., Jula, N., Cepisca, C. Neuro - Adaptive Command Systems very maneuverable flying objects.  WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS, Issue 7, Volume 7, July 2008, pag. 668 – 677. ISSN: 1109-2734.  Download PDF
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38.  Ioan, M., Lungu, M., Lungu, R. Control of the Satellites’ Attitude using a Pyramidal Configuration of Four Variable Speed Control Moment Gyros. Scientific Bulletin – University Politehnica Bucharest, Series D: Mechanical Engineering, vol. X, nr. X, 2017, pag. XXX, ISSN: 1454-2358.   Request PDF
39.   Lungu, M. Automatic control of aircraft landing by using the H2/H control technique. The 36th IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control (MIC 2017), February 20-21, 2017, Innsbruck, Austria.   Request PDF
40.   Lungu, M., Lungu, R. Landing Autopilot for the Control of Airplane by using the H-inf Control. 12th International  Conference  on  Aerospace, Robotics, Mechatronics, Mechanical Engineering, Manufacturing systems, Neurorehabilitation and Bioengineering (OPTIROB) 29 Iunie-3 Iulie 2017, Jupiter. International Journal of Modeling and Optimization (IJMO), vol. 7, nr. 3, 2017, ISSN: 2010-3697 (1 citare).    Request PDF
41.   Lungu, R., Butu, F.A.,  Lungu, M.  Sliding Mode Control of Launch Vehicles’ Flight Path Slope Angle. 26th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, June 19-22, 2018, Zadar, Croatia.    Request PDF
42.   Lungu, M., Boubaker, O., Lungu, R. Reduced-Order Multiple Observer Design for Takagi-Sugeno Models with Unknown Inputs. 26th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, June 19-22, 2018, Zadar, Croatia (2 citari).    Request PDF
43.   Lungu, M., Lungu, R., Butu, F.A. Reduced-Order Multiple Observer with Application to the State Estimation of a Controlled Generic Reentry. 4th IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering, October 1-3, 2018, Roma, Italia.      Request PDF
44.   Lungu, R., Butu, F.A.,  Lungu, M.  Automatic Control of Space Vehicles' Orbit around Earth. 4th IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering, October 1-3, 2018, Roma, Italia.    Request PDF
45.   Lungu, R., Butu, F.A.,  Lungu, M.  Flight control of a launch vehicle using hierarchical structured dynamic inversion with three time-scales. 4th IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering, October 1-3, 2018, Roma, Italia.    Request PDF
46.   Micu, M., Lungu, M., Chen, M., Ebrahimpour, M. Four-Stage Cascaded Control Scheme Based on Robust Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion Technique for Quadrotors. 28th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC), Sinaia, România, 10-12 octombrie 2024. DOI: 10.1109/ICSTCC62912.2024.10744662    Request PDF
1.    Grigorie, T.L., Lungu, M., Edu, I.R., Obreja, R., Closed loop high-precision accelerometer with smart control. Scientific Bulletin of The “POLITEHNICA” University of Timisoara, Romania, Transactions on Automatic Control and Computer Science (revista CNCSIS – categoria B+), ISSN 1224-600X.   Request PDF
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2.    Lungu, M.  Rockets’ stabilization control systems using differentiator or integrator
gyroscopes. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on applied and Theoretical Electricity ICATE 2010, Craiova, 8 – 9 October, 2010. Publicat in „Analele Universitatii din Craiova”, Seria Inginerie Electrica (revista CNCSIS – categoria B+), no. 34, pag. 255 – 260. ISSN: 1842 – 4805.  Download PDF
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3.    Lungu R., Lungu, M.   The study of the automatic system for the sealed cabins airflow regulation using indirectly action airflow regulators. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on applied and Theoretical Electricity ICATE 2010, Craiova, 8 – 9 October, 2010. Publicat in „Analele Universitatii din Craiova”, Seria Inginerie Electrica (revista CNCSIS – categoria B+), no. 34, pag. 261–266. ISSN: 1842 – 4805.  Download PDF
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4.    Grigorie, L., Lungu, M. , Edu, I. R., Obreja, R. Concepts error modeling of miniature accelerometers used in inertial navigation systems. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on applied and Theoretical Electricity ICATE 2010, Craiova, 8 – 9 October, 2010. Publicat in „Analele Universitatii din Craiova”, Seria Inginerie Electrica (revista CNCSIS – categoria B+), no. 34, pag. 212–219. ISSN: 1842 – 4805 (9 citari)Request PDF
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1.    Grigorie, L., Lungu, M., Edu, R.I., Obreja, R. A tool for the aircrafts attitude determination. Conferinta internationala NAV-MAR-EDU 2011, Constanta, 11-13 November 2011. Lucrare publicata in “Buletinul Stiintific al Academiei Navale”, ISSN 1454-864 (revista CNCSIS – categoria B).  Request PDF
2.    Lungu, M. Aircrafts’ move stabilization using optimal criteria and linear state observers. 9th International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Electricity ICATE 2008, Craiova, 9 – 11 October, 2008. Publicat in „Analele Universitatii din Craiova”, Seria Electrica (revista CNCSIS – categoria B), no. 32, pag. 267 – 272. ISSN: 1842 – 4805 (1 citare).  Download PDF
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3.    Lungu, R., Lungu, M. Neuro – adaptive command systems for rockets’ move. 9th International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Electricity ICATE 2008, Craiova, 9 – 11 October, 2008. Publicat in „Analele Universitatii din Craiova”, Seria Inginerie Electrica (revista CNCSIS – categoria B), no. 32, pag. 261 – 266, ISSN: 1842 – 4805.  Download PDF
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4.    Lungu, R., Lungu, M. On – line Parametric Identification and Discrete Optimal Command of Flight Objects. 6th International Conference on Electromechanical and Power Systems – SIELMEN 2007, Chisinau, Republica Moldova; publicat in Rev. „Analele Universitatii din Craiova”, Seria Inginerie Electrica (revista CNCSIS – categoria B), nr. 31, 2007, vol.1, pag. 117 – 119, ISSN: 1842 – 4805.  Download PDF
5.    Lungu, R., Lungu, M. Optimal Control of The Rocket’s Lateral Deviation in Rapport with Equal Signal Line. 6th International Conference on Electromechanical and Power Systems – SIELMEN 2007, Chisinau, Republica Moldova; publicat in Rev. „Analele Universitatii din Craiova”, Seria Inginerie Electrica (revista CNCSIS – categoria B), nr. 31, 2007, vol.1, pag. 120 – 123, ISSN: 1842 – 4805.  Download PDF
6.    Lungu, M. Parameters Estimation on the Aircraft’s Longitudinal and Lateral Move. 8th International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Electricity ICATE 2006, Baile Herculane, October 26 – 28, 2006. Publicat in „Analele Universitatii din Craiova”, Seria Inginerie Electrica (revista CNCSIS – categoria B), nr. 30, pag. 370 – 376, ISSN: 1842 – 4805 (1 citareDownload PDF
1.    Sepcu, L., Lungu, M., Calbureanu, M., Thermic calculus of aircraft’s cabin. Publicat in „Analele Universitatii din Craiova”, Seria Mecanica (revista CNCSIS – categoria D), nr. 1/2009. ISSN: 1223 – 5296  Request PDF
2.    Sepcu, L., Lungu, M., Malciu, R., Mathematical model of the cabin and the bottom of  the coating cabin’s heat calculus. Publicat in „Analele Universitatii din Craiova”, Seria Mecanica (revista CNCSIS – categoria D), nr. 1/2009. ISSN: 1223 – 5296  Request PDF
1.   Ciunel, S., Dumitru, N., Tica, B., Popa, D.L., Popa-Mitroi, Gh., Lungu, M., Analysis and dynamic human cranio-cervical complex movements, 3th International Congress Science and Management of Automotive and Transportation Engineering, 23-26 Octombrie 2014, Craiova, Romania.        Request PDF
2.    Lungu, M.Lungu, R., Sepcu, L. Nonlinear Adaptive System for the Automatic Control of Rockets’ Motion in Vertical Plane, International Conference in Military Technology Proceeding, ICMT’13, Brno, 2013, pag. 717-726. ISBN: 978-80-7231-917-6.   Request PDF
3.    Lungu, M.Lungu, R., Sepcu, L. Adaptive Observer Based on an Orthogonal Neural Network for the Estimation of the Aircraft’s Longitudinal Motion, International Conference in Military Technology Proceeding, ICMT’13, Brno, 2013, pag. 727-734. ISBN: 978-80-7231-917-6.   Request PDF
4.    Grigorie, T.L., Lungu, M., Edu, I.R., Obreja, R. Influences of the Miniaturized Inertial Sensors Errors on the Navigation Solution in a Bidimensional SDINS in Vertical Plane. 4th International Conference Computational Mechanics and Virtual Engineering (COMEC 2011), Transilvania University of Brasov, 20 – 22 October 2011, Brasov, Romania (5 citari).   Request PDF
5.    Grigorie, T.L., Lungu, M., Edu, I.R., Obreja, R. Analysis of the Miniaturized Inertial Sensors Stochastic Errors with the Allan Variance Method: A Review. International Conference of Aerospace Sciences “AEROSPATIAL 2010”, Sectiunea 5, Bucharest 20 – 21 October, 2010, ISSN 2067-8622.  Request PDF
6.    Preotu, O., Dumitrache, Al., Lungu, M. Common aspects and differences in the behavior of classical configuration versus canard configuration aircraft in the presence of vertical gusts, assuming the hypothesis of an elastic fuselage. International Conference of Aerospace Sciences “AEROSPATIAL 2010”, Sectiunea 2, Bucharest 20 – 21 October, 2010, ISSN: 2067-8622INCAS Bulletin, vol. 3, Issue 2/2011, pag. 65-75, ISSN: 2066 – 8201.  Request PDF
7.    Grigorie, T.L., Corcau, J., Lungu, M., Sandu, G.D. Bi-Dimensional Position Detection Using TDOA Estimation through Cross  Correlation of the Acoustic SignalsPart 2: Experimental testing and  validation. 2009 IEEE International Conference on ICT and Knowledge Engineering. December 1 – 2, 2009, Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand. ISBN: 978-1-4244-4513-4.  Request PDF
8.    Lungu, M. Dynamic Process Analysis and Linear Non-dimensional Model’s Parameters Estimation of the Longitudinal Move of an Aircraft5th International Conference on Advanced Engineering Design 11 – 14 June 2006, Prague, Czech Republic, CD – 5 pag., ISBN: 80–86059–44–8 (1 citare).  Request PDF
9.    Lungu, R., Dinca, L., Lungu, M. Dynamical Errors Calculus of Some Rockets Guidance Systems Using the Direct Method in Three PointsThe 3th International Conference on Advanced Engineering Design, Praga, 1 – 4 iunie 2003, CD – 6 pag.  Request PDF
10.     Lungu, R., Tudosie, A., Lungu, M.  Flight Optimization System Based on the Fuel Consumption Minimization Criteria. The International “Community Army Technology Environement 2003”, 28 – 30 aprilie 2003, Military Academy in Brno, CD – 8 pag.  Request PDF
11.     Lungu, R., Tudosie, A., Lungu, M. Analysis of Non linear Dynamic Regimes Using Structural TransformationForth International Conference on Modelling and Simulation, 11 – 13 November 2002, Melbourne – Australia, CD – 4 pag.  Request PDF
12.    Lungu, R., Dinca, L., Lungu, M. Calculus Elements for Dimensioning Hydraulic Servo-AmplifiersThe International Congress on “Simulators and Simulations-Powerful Means for Training of Individuals and Crews of Combat Systems”, Brno, 9 – 11 May 2001. Published in Military Academy in Brno Revue, No. 2, 12 pag.  Request PDF
13.    Lungu, R., Lungu, M. Neural Networks’ Use for Off-line Identification of Flying  Objects’ Models IdentificationThe XV–th International Symposium on Electrical Apparatus and Technologies, 31 May – 1 June 2007, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, vol. 2, pag. 57 - 62, ISBN: 978–954–9726–01–5.  Request PDF
14.    Grigorie, L., Lungu, M., Georgescu, A. Aircraft’s Attitude Determination using Board Computer and Strap-down GyrosThe 7–th International Conference of Applied and Theoretical Electricity ICATE 2004, Baile Herculane, October 14 – 15, In Proceedings, pag 539 – 542, ISBN: 973–8043–554–4.  Request PDF
15.    Lungu, R., Tudosie, A., Lungu, M. A Possibility of an Airplane’s Lateral Movement’s Control. The 7 – th International Conference of Applied and Theoretical Electricity ICATE 2004, Baile Herculane, October 14 – 15, pag. 552 – 557.  Request PDF
16.    Lungu, R., Corcau, J., Lungu, M. Gyroscopic Stabilization System with Kalman Bucy State Estimator. XIII – th International Symposium on Electrical Apparatus and Tehnologies, 29 – 30 May 2003, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, pag. 129 – 134.  Request PDF
17.    Lungu, R., Lungu, M. Extremal System for Rockets’ Guidance.The XV–th International Symposium on Electrical Apparatus and Technologies, 31 May – 1 June 2007, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, vol. 2,  pag. 63 - 68, ISBN: 978–954–9726–01–5.  Request PDF
18.    Lungu, R., Tudosie, A., Lungu, M. Jet engine’s temperature control unit. International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Electricity. Craiova/Baile Herculane, October 17 – 19, 2002, pag 446 – 448, ISBN: 973 – 8043 – 169 – 9.  Request PDF
19.    Lungu, R., Grigorie, L., Lungu, M. Electronic Control System of the Aircraft Control  Linkage Ratio. The XII-th International Symposium on Electrical Apparatus and Technologies – SIELA. In Proceedings, volume I, pag. 197 – 205, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 31 May – 1 June, 2001.  Request PDF
20.    Lungu, R., Lungu, M. Extremal Stabilisation Systems for Rockets’ Roll Move. Conferinta internationala “Tendinte in dezvoltarea aplicatiilor ciberneticii”, Baile Felix, 26 – 27 noiembrie 2004, CD –6 pag.  Request PDF
21.    Malciu, T., Sepcu L., Lungu, M., Malciu R. The use of the four-bar mechanism to the air vehicles’ flapping wingInternational Conference of Mechanical Engineering, ICOME 2010, Craiova, 28 – 30 April, 2010.  Request PDF
22.    Malciu, T., Malciu R., Calbureanu, M., Lungu, M., Sepcu L. Flexible manufacturing approach of a part in an integrated manufacturing environmentInternational Conference of Mechanical Engineering, ICOME 2010, Craiova, 28 – 30 April, 2010.  Request PDF
23.    Lungu, M. Calculul vitezelor de apropiere si deviatie de la linia tintei. The International Symposium on Naval and Marine Education. NAV·MAR·EDU 2001, Section Military Sciences, pag. 113 –119 in Proceedings; “Mircea cel Batran”, Constanta, May 24 – 26, 2001.  Request PDF
1.    Lungu, M. Sisteme de control a atitudinii avionului in miscarea de tangaj. Sesiunea  de comunicari stiintifice ”Eficienta si calitate in invatamantul superior”, Sibiu, 11 iunie 2004, CD – 8 pag., ISBN: 973–8088–87–9.  Request PDF
2.    Lungu, M.  Teoria problemei cuadratice liniare (LQP) si aplicarea ei in cazul miscarii avionului solicitat la incovoiere. Sesiunea de comunicari stiintifice ”Eficienta si calitate in invatamantul superior”, Sibiu, 11 iunie 2004, CD–8 pag., ISBN: 973–8088–87–9.  Request PDF
3.    Lungu, R., Constantinache, P., Lungu, M. Analiza stabilitatii si sinteza unui sistem de comanda automata a unghiului de ruliu al aeronavelor. Sesiunea jubiliara de comunicari stiintifice ″130 de ani de invatamant de marina­­­­­­″ Academia Navala "Mircea cel Batran″ , Constanta, 14 – 16 noiembrie 2002, pag. 145 – 149.  Request PDF